American Avocet - Saskatchewan
American Avocet - Saskatchewan
American Avocet - Saskatchewan
American White Pelican - Manitoba
Black Tern - Saskatchewan
Canvasback, female with young - Manitoba
Clay-coloured Sparrow - Manitoba
Clay-coloured Sparrow - Saskatchewan
Clay-coloured Sparrow - Manitoba
Clay-coloured Sparrow - Saskatchewan
Franklin's Gull - Manitoba
Least Flycatcher - Saskatchewan
Piping Plover - Saskatchewan
Piping Plover - Saskatchewan
Red-winged Blackbird - Manitoba
Sedge Wren - Manitoba
Sprague's Pipit - Saskatchewan
Swainson's Hawk - Saskatchewan
Trumpeter Swan, with young - Manitoba
Upland Sandpiper - Saskatchewan
Upland Sandpiper - Saskatchewan
Vesper Sparrow - Saskatchewan
Wild Turkey, male - Manitoba
Wilsons's Phalarope, female - Saskatchewan
Wilsons's Phalarope, male - Saskatchewan
Wilsons's Phalarope, male - Saskatchewan
Wilsons's Phalarope, male - Saskatchewan
Wilson's Snipe, Manitoba
Wilson's Snipe, Manitoba
Yellow-headed Blackbird, male - Manitoba